About Us

About Ace MART

Ace Modern Advanced Research Technology Co., Ltd. is a technology Sales and Service company dedicated to serving global low-middle income countries and empowering local communities to develop scientific research literacy and educational proficiency. We’re specialize in scientific instruments sales, optimized research development, research skill cultivation, and community empowerment. Our products are designed to support research advances in multiple sectors, including but not limited Health care, Mining, Agriculture, Water, and Food industries.  Our products quality is highly guaranteed due to the implementation of scientific and standardized management systems.

Based on our understanding of the analytical instrument industry and its prediction of the industry’s development trend, AceMART and partners have established a dedicated analysis service testing team. This enables the us to offer specialized testing training to laboratory qualification certification organizations and testing service institutions across diverse industries. Working with globally recognized partners who have successfully acquired the National Analytical and Testing Personnel (NTC) Training and Assessment Base qualifications, we provide services that help advance scientific research and discoveries globally.

We provide education support to local scientific communities, and create community STEM based research programs around the shared goal of love, care, service to man through the love of GOD. We believe in equitable access to scientific technologies literacy, research accountabilities, talent cultivation, gender equity, high professional performance, and opportunities to advance science and engineering. We commit to giving back to the communities we serve by donating 10% of our annual revenues to community and infrastructure projects, building educational facilities, providing internship opportunities, and empowering local communities’ spiritual unity.

We deeply believe in a God-Human research connection, therefore tapping into GOD’s creation advances our thoughts to understanding the principals of sciences. Science and technology are driven by individuals and aimed at benefiting society. With a deep sense of patriotism and unwavering professionalism, our company is dedicated to excelling in the scientific instrument industry. Our ultimate goal is to become a prominent scientific research technology sales and service enterprise and a global leader, safeguarding safety and enhancing the quality of human life.

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